

Mingles is a social group for those at Grace who are either married or single.  We share fellowship through fun activities at least once a month, including camping trips, service projects, and progressive dinners.  We have family-friendly events, too!  Mingles provides an excellent forum to meet others that attend Grace and enjoy the fellowship with other Christians.  There is no formal commitment or membership -- please join us as you're able!
Click here to send a message to the Mingles leaders.

Women of Grace
Putting Grace into Action: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms" (1 Peter 4:10).
It is our prayer that the Women of Grace can put "Grace into Action" and make sure that every woman of this congregation and in our surrounding communtity knows that God loves them, that his grace is sufficient, that Grace Lutheran Church is a place where they can find and build real relationships built on his firm foundation, and that their gifts and talents are valued and can be used to serve God.  
Click here to send a message to the Women of Grace leader.

Bible Studies

Sunday Morning Bible Study
We offer one in-person Sunday morning Bible study each week.  The study is topical in nature and frequently focuses on a particular book of the Bible or doctrinal issues. Each Bible class is designed for anyone middle school aged or older. Please join us in the classroom wing on Sunday morning from 9:30 until 10:30 a.m.
Click here to send a message to the Bible Study leader.

Bible Information Class
English & Spanish Bible Information Classes are classes for those seeking to find out more about the Christian faith, the Lutheran church, or have interest in becoming a member of Grace.
Click here if you are interested in attending an upcoming Bible Information Class.

Bible Café
Bible Café meets Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in Sanctuary. Led by Pastor Wattles, this group is open to anyone and is a “kid friendly” environment.  Please come join us!
Click here to send a message to the Bible Caf
é leader.

Spanish Bible Study
A Spanish Bible study meets Sunday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room.
Click here to send a message to the Spanish Bible Study